PEAK XOOPS - Re: Re: 人海戦術なSPAMをどう対策するか in englishin japanese

Re: Re: 人海戦術なSPAMをどう対策するか

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Subject 人海戦術なSPAMをどう対策するか
Summary このサイトは原則的にユーザ登録しないと投稿できないようにしてあるのですが、最近は手作業でユーザ登録した上で、一見SPAMとは思えないような投稿をしてくるようです。(例えば、「新しいバージョンは無いか」とか「この投稿はとても役立つ」といった内容の横に、こっそ...

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none Re: Re: 人海戦術なSPAMをどう対策するか

msg# 1.2
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2009/9/5 19:22
vaughan  上等兵   Posts: 37
She/he can post without such URLs within 60 minutes.
And their purpose can be achived without URLs.

* human SPAMMERS

She/he cannot wait 60 minutes.
And their purpose can not be achived without URLs.

agreed, a lot will not want to wait that long.

1 of the main types of spam we see now isn't where a human spammer posts links in posts & forums, but they actually fill their signature & extra info fields with URLS, & then try to make their posts look as though they are asking for help, or thanking someone for help. they are getting more devious that's for sure. i guess if we could prevent them doing that aswell it would be a good step forward.

lets hope your filter reduces these even more :) it's about time we developers fought back.
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