PEAK XOOPS - Changing the Wording USed in MyAlbum in englishin japanese

Changing the Wording USed in MyAlbum

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/17 3:54
tedsmith  Corporal   Posts: 64
How can I chnage some of the words and phrases used in the myAlbum module? For example, I need to change the line 'Add Photo' to 'Add Report'. I found the following pice of code in the myalbum_index.html file which I think relates to it:

<{if $lang_add_photo}><a href="submit.php"><{$lang_add_photo}><img src="<{$mod_url}>/images/pictadd.gif" border="0" alt="<{$lang_add_photo}>" /></a><{/if}>

and I am guessing that the actual string value of 'Add Photo' is stored in $lang_add_photo, but how do I access that to change it?

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/17 14:09
nnoel  Private   Posts: 6
hi ted,

search and replace the words in the /modules/myalbum/language/english/*.php files.

for example:

Find 'Add Photo' in '...\modules\myalbum\language\english\main.php' :
...\modules\myalbum\language\english\main.php(53): define("_ALBM_ADDPHOTO","Add Photo");
Found 'Add Photo' 1 time(s).
Search complete, found 'Add Photo' 1 time(s). (1 files.)

so, you have to make a kind of english to english translation
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/18 2:47
tedsmith  Corporal   Posts: 64
Thanks for your reply above, but it is not working for me. I have no doubt that I am doing something wrong, but I did what you said and worked my way through that file and changed all the instances of words that needed re-wording. Saved the file, but then when I visit the site nothing has changed - again! This is driving me mad. I then tried what you said and did a search over the entire module for phrases like 'Add Photo' and it came up with none? I just don't get it at all.

All I want to do is to be able to change the words of a module to suit my own needs. The site is for reporting lost and stolen dogs so I don't want "Rate this Photo!!" or "Add a Photo" or "Most popular Photo" if you see what I mean? It is likely to be serving a sensitive audience of upset people - I don't want people to think that I want them to 'Rate the Photo's' It is imperitive that I change these values, but I just haven't got a clue what I'm doing. Other than that one file. Can someone please help me?
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/18 3:38
nnoel  Private   Posts: 6
did you 'update' the module?
Admin menu > modules > update icon for myalbum

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/18 4:00
tedsmith  Corporal   Posts: 64
Yep. No effect.

I have noticed by the way, that I can make changes to any html file I want via the Templates system (by editing my cloned set), but php files are different. I cannot access those via the Template area, so I edit them with Dreamweaver direct on the server, then save them. I go back to the site, and nothing ever seems to change, unless I delete the clone, and then re-clone, but that is a total pain the ar*e because it means changing everything all over again. Surely this is not the only way to get changes to a php file to actually show up on the website? My latest example of this is changing the date format of my site. I had to edit the language\english\global.php file. I saved it. Went back to the site, but the dates do not change. Yet, I did this very same alteration at work today on our Intranet site, and it worked straight away? I just don't get it!
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/18 5:54
DWiDo  Private 1st Class   Posts: 14

Maybe I am wrong... but it sounds strange, When you re-word in /languages/[any language]/[files].php it influences the result.

Does the cache or a proxy can affect this ?
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/18 6:36
tedsmith  Corporal   Posts: 64
I don't know? I have tried deleting the content of the templates_c folder over and over again, and pressed Ctrl & F5 in Internet Explorer. It's still always the same, even using FireFox.

If you are sure that the steps I have taken should have made a change to my site, then it must be something to do with my web hosting company. Maybe they are having server problems or something.

Can you kindly confirm that as far as you understand, what I have done SHOULD have made a change to the website? If so, I can then ask my web server company if they are causing the problems.

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/8/20 19:09
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi tedsmith.

Have you installed myAlbum-P multiply?

When you change the value of language files, change all files of duplicated modules.

If you install myAlbum-P placed in myalbum/ and myalbum0/, you have to modify both myalbum/language/english/main.php and myalbum0/language/english/main.php.

When some blocks of myalbum0/ is shown, the language files of myalbum0/ is included first.
Once language files of one myAlbum-P is loaded, the other language files will not be loaded.
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