PEAK XOOPS - Changing the Wording USed in MyAlbum in englishin japanese

Changing the Wording USed in MyAlbum

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question Changing the Wording USed in MyAlbum

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/17 3:54
tedsmith  Corporal   Posts: 64
How can I chnage some of the words and phrases used in the myAlbum module? For example, I need to change the line 'Add Photo' to 'Add Report'. I found the following pice of code in the myalbum_index.html file which I think relates to it:

<{if $lang_add_photo}><a href="submit.php"><{$lang_add_photo}><img src="<{$mod_url}>/images/pictadd.gif" border="0" alt="<{$lang_add_photo}>" /></a><{/if}>

and I am guessing that the actual string value of 'Add Photo' is stored in $lang_add_photo, but how do I access that to change it?

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