PEAK XOOPS - Re: backend.php & EMLH in englishin japanese

Re: backend.php & EMLH

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question Re: backend.php & EMLH

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/13 8:06
FutureSpy  伍長 From: 世界のどっかで  Posts: 70
Now I see what's going on. It is caching the backend.php partially. So, things like <language>pt_BR</language> are being cached and won't change even though I change it to Japanese. That's also causing the Japanese characters to not being showed correctly only when the language tag is pt_BR. (Yeah, both are encoded in UTF-8)

I might try using 2 rss files instead, it's a lot easier I bet. ^_^
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