PEAK XOOPS - request for permissions per category in englishin japanese

request for permissions per category

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Subject myAlbum-P 2.90beta2 (2.88)
Summary myAlbum-P 2.9 のベータ版です。ずっとアルファーとしてきましたが、少なくとも2.84よりはずっとマシなはずなので、ベータにステータスを変更して、こっちをメインに据えます。XOOPS2専用、フォトアルバムモジュールです。(でした?)拡張に拡張を重ねて、だんだんと何の...

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msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2007/5/13 2:08
DannyM  二等兵   Posts: 1

great module! I use it since 2.84 and I just installed 2.88.

I have a request for the next version. I would like to configure permissions per category. On my site I have several groups of users. I would like to have some groups with permissions on eg 'photo category 1' and other groups with permissions on 'photo category 2', but not for 'photo category 1'.

when group AA doesn't have permissions for 'photo category 1', all the photos in that category:
- cannot be found by group AA using the website search function;
- are not listed in blocks for users of group AA. I mean blocks like 'Top photos', 'Recent photos', 'Random photo', etc.

The users of group AA should not see the category 'photo category 1'. Also not in the dropdown list with categories when uploading photos.

Above mentioned functionality would be a great improvement.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Danny M
Votes:8 Average:5.00

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