PEAK XOOPS - Re: D3 Pipes 0.1 released in englishin japanese

Re: D3 Pipes 0.1 released

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Subject D3 Pipes 0.1 リリース
Summary 某!Pipesっぽいモジュールを作ってみました。とはいえ、あんなインターフェースを個人の余暇で作りきれるはずもないので、あくまで機能として近い、というだけです。正直言って、使い方がかなり難しいモジュールになってしまったのですが、上手に使いこなせば相当な可能性...

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happy Re: D3 Pipes 0.1 released

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/4/17 7:10
gigamaster  三等軍曹 From: Geneva, Switzerland  Posts: 94

It's incredible ! I've posted about !Pipes sometime ago
and how we could create a XC social network.
Many users don't know about D3 possibilities of
interoperability, how easy it is to call an ajax
library with one Pico page, and another one with a
second page. Related content and comments, etc.
Each time i visit your site i'm impressed and
it's an amazing experience to play with these modules.
Thanks again to make some dreams become reality!
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