PEAK XOOPS - Alpha Version of my evolution in englishin japanese

Alpha Version of my evolution

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report Alpha Version of my evolution

msg# 1.2.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/15 5:05
PinMaster  ʼ From: Marseille (France)  Posts: 40
Here my alpha2 version of my evolution :

- > One can dependent a theme on a skin, the way of the skin varies according to the theme used
- > an amelioration of the function dedicated to the injection of css with the catch in dependent of the navigator
- > Correction of mini calendar minical_ex under xoops 2.0.14
- > Correction of the manager of block of piCal, taken into account of xoops 2.0.14 and former version.
- > Choice of the editor type, no modification to make if you use cbb 3.x with xoops 2.0.x.
- > Installation of mode CSS:
-------> Mode CSS OFF: standard operation
-------> Mode CSS ONE: the generated pages will use a file css. With three operating modes:
-------------> CSS present in the file skin
-------------> CSS present in the file of the current theme
-------------> CSS integrated in that of the current theme
- > Correction of the width of the schedules for weekly and daily.
- > Optimization of display for Monthly, weekly, daily. Use of balise dedicated to the lists (<ul>,<li>,<dl>,...) and suppression of that dedicated to the tables with an identical display.

It will be necessary to translate the following lines and added in the file "modinfo.php" this finding in the directory . "language/..."
---- Variable traduire prsente dans le fichier modinfo.php (dossier language)
// Title of config items
define("_MI_SKINFOLDER", "Nom des chemins de skin");
define("_MI_DESCSKINFOLDER", "Mettre la valeur '{theme}' pour crer un lien avec le thme courant.");
define("_MI_SKINCSS", "Mode CSS");
define("_MI_DESCSKINCSS", "Le mode 'CSS OFF' est le fonctionnement classique du module. Le mode 'CSS ON' permet au module de s'appuyer sur une feuille de style pour faciliter son intgration sur divers sites.");
define ("_MI_PICAL_WYSIWYG", "Type d'diteur");
define ("_MI_PICAL_WYSIWYGDESC", "Slectionner le type d'diteur que vous dsirez utiliser. Attention : tout autre diteur que XoopsEditor doit tre install sur votre site.");

// Options of each config items
define("_MI_OPT_CSSOFF", "CSS OFF (mode standard)");
define("_MI_OPT_CSSON_SKIN", "CSS ON (css prsent dans le dossier skin)");
define("_MI_OPT_CSSON_THEME", "CSS ON (css prsent dans le dossier du thme)");
define("_MI_OPT_CSSON_INCTHEME", "CSS ON (css intgr dans celui du thme courant)");

// Names of blocks for this module (Not all module has blocks)
define("_MI_PICAL_CSSMODEHOOK", "Bloc - Mode CSS");
define("_MI_PICAL_CSSMODEHOOK_DESC","Permets de mettre en en-tte les feuilles de style lies aux blocs, en fonction du mode slectionn dans les prfrences du module. Ce bloc reste invisible.");

// Template description type
define ("_MI_PICAL_TEMPLATE_CSSOFF1", "Template utilis en fonctionnement normal, CSS OFF");
define ("_MI_PICAL_TEMPLATE_CSSOFF2", "Template du block utilis en fonctionnement normal, CSS OFF");
define ("_MI_PICAL_TEMPLATE_CSSON1", "Template utilis quand le mode CCS est activ");
define ("_MI_PICAL_TEMPLATE_CSSON2", "Template du block utilis quand le mode CCS est activ");

I seek testers and opinions.

PS: sorry for my english (google).
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