PEAK XOOPS - Re: Protector 3.30 beta in englishin japanese

Re: Protector 3.30 beta

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Subject Protector 3.50 beta
Summary ●要旨Protector は、XOOPS2ベースの各種CMSを様々な悪意ある攻撃から守るためのモジュールです。このモジュールでは、以下の攻撃を防ぎます。- DoS- 悪意あるクローラー(メール収集ボットなど)- SQL Injection- XSS (といっても、全てではありません)- システムグロ...

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question Re: Protector 3.30 beta

msg# 1.3
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 | Posted on 2009/1/15 20:23 | Last modified
McDonald  上等兵 From:  Posts: 30
Hello GIJOE,

Maybe a stupid remark from me, but when I unzip Protector 3.30 beta I see that the patches for the ../class/databasefactory.php are in XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/protector/patches/.
I assume this folder should not be uploaded as found in the zip file, but the patched file only to ../class/database/. Correct?
Votes:14 Average:7.14

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