PEAK XOOPS - Re: smartfaq 1.08 & tellafriend in englishin japanese

Re: smartfaq 1.08 & tellafriend

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none Re: smartfaq 1.08 & tellafriend

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/10/31 15:07 | Last modified
xavhmn  上等兵 From: Athis mons, france  Posts: 36
I know, I think of the same thing(matter), but the programming of this module oblige us to make him(it), because the definition of the e-mail is in the file php and meets itself in a variable mixed with the impression(printing), the edition(publishing), etc....

Look at the complete code of the function(office):
function sf_getAdminLinks($faqid = 0, $open=false)
	global $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig;
	$adminLinks = '';
	$modulePath = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/" . $xoopsModule->dirname() . "/";
    $page = $open? 'question.php' : 'faq.php';
	if ($xoopsUser && $xoopsUser->isAdmin($xoopsModule->getVar('mid'))) {
		// Edit button
		$adminLinks .= "<a href='" . $modulePath . "admin/$page?op=mod&amp;faqid=" . $faqid . "'><img src='" . $modulePath . "images/links/edit.gif'" . " title='" . _MD_SF_EDIT . "' alt='" . _MD_SF_EDIT . "'/></a>";
		$adminLinks .= " ";
		// Delete button
		$adminLinks .= "<a href='" . $modulePath . "admin/$page?op=del&amp;faqid=" . $faqid . "'><img src='" . $modulePath . "images/links/delete.gif'" . " title='" . _MD_SF_DELETE . "' alt='" . _MD_SF_DELETE . "'/></a>";
		$adminLinks .= " ";
	// Print button
	$adminLinks .= "<a href='" . $modulePath . "print.php?faqid=" . $faqid . "'><img src='" . $modulePath . "images/links/print.gif' title='" . _MD_SF_PRINT . "' alt='" . _MD_SF_PRINT . "'/></a>";
	$adminLinks .= " ";
	// Email button
	$maillink = 'mailto:?subject=' . sprintf(_MD_SF_INTARTICLE, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . '&amp;body=' . sprintf(_MD_SF_INTARTFOUND, $xoopsConfig['sitename']) . ':  ' . $modulePath . 'faq.php?faqid=' . $faqid;
	$adminLinks .= "<a href=\"" . $maillink . "\"><img src='" . $modulePath . "images/links/friend.gif' title='" . _MD_SF_MAIL . "' alt='" . _MD_SF_MAIL . "'/></a>";
	$adminLinks .= " ";
	// Submit New Answer button
	if (($xoopsModuleConfig['allownewanswer']) && (is_object($xoopsUser) || $xoopsModuleConfig['anonpost'])) {
		$adminLinks .= "<a href='" . $modulePath . "answer.php?faqid=" . $faqid . "'><img src='" . $modulePath . "images/links/newanswer.gif' title='" . _MD_SF_SUBMITANSWER . "' alt='" . _MD_SF_SUBMITANSWER . "'/></a>";
		$adminLinks .= " ";

	return $adminLinks;
Votes:3 Average:6.67

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