PEAK XOOPS - Conflict between Protector and the Mainfile.php database password and security fix?? in englishin japanese

Conflict between Protector and the Mainfile.php database password and security fix??

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/10/6 14:56
spudrussell  ÆóÅùʼ   Posts: 3
I have tightened security on my new site, and I installed Protector 2.52 today. Protector is a beautiful piece of work!

I also did numerous other security fixes that I had learned about across various XOOPS sites. Unfortunately, I have run into a problem with my attempt to move the MySQL username/password out of mainfile.php.

I followed the directions from Xoops-Tips very carefully:
Unfortunately, it did not work and I had to back the changes out. (In installed Protector first, then attempted to move the username and password.)

The result was that instead of my site displaying properly, I got one page of text warnings in both admin and anonymous user modes. I did not get a screen capture, but I printed a copy. The first of the warnings was this:

include ("/home/ (then the correct file and directory) /xoops-auth.php");
Warning: mysql_select_db():supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource
in /home/ (then my site file structure) /modules/protector/include/ on line 26

This was followed by four other similar warnings about lines 44, 45, 37, and 46.

Can anyone suggest what I did wrong? I would really like to try again and get it right. Am I putting the include statement in the wrong place? The Xoops-Tip said to put it at the very top of the mainfile.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Larry
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/11/29 13:03
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
hi Larry.

It sounds just a problem of the place of the line for

include( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/protector/include/' ) ;

just before

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";

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