PEAK XOOPS - Image manager + Smarty tags = :-( in englishin japanese

Image manager + Smarty tags = :-(

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/10/21 18:59
monte  二等兵   Posts: 2
Any ideas why the myAlbum-P image manager does not get the values of smarty variables in XOOPS 2.2.2?

I know, XOOPS 2.2.2 is not what can be called 'commonable', but it seems quite stable for me - I am sure I'm not the only one who loves it. Same about myAlbum-P v2.86a, which I am using, but I had this problem with v2.84 when I tried it, too.

All <{$smarty_variables}> are returned empty, so there are no meta-tags, no logo etc. in the image manager, and the xoops_url is also empty, so the directory is wront, too. I tried all 3 cases: include in xoops image manager, overwrite it and run the myAlbum-P image manager from module directory - same results.

I wondered it there is another solution than just editing the template manually and replacing the <{$xoops_url}>, meta-tags etc. with appropriate values. This would be far from an ideal solution.

Anyone had same problem? Any suggestions from the author? (Sorry I'm disturbing You with this)

And I apologize if there is a solution posted anywhere already, but I doubt it, as I searched for it here and in XOOPS forums (before the malicious hacker appeared) for several weeks.

P.S. Everything else is working perfectly, thanks for this great module!
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/10/30 17:52
monte  二等兵   Posts: 2
Well, I knew no-one will be able to help without lots of additional info and some testing. Just didn't want to leave that untried.

It's strange though: nobody seems to have the same problem. This tells me the issue is very specific. Could be encoding related, although changing to English didn't sort that out.

Thanks anyway - for reading this
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