PEAK XOOPS - Open Your eyes, Open Your mind, It's open Source in englishin japanese

Open Your eyes, Open Your mind, It's open Source

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happy Open Your eyes, Open Your mind, It's open Source

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/2/11 2:05 | Last modified
gigamaster  Sergeant From: Geneva, Switzerland  Posts: 94
Hi Gijoe,

I don't intend to be rude with you or any user
and i'm aware that my way of frankness ... sometimes seems harsh.
But if we respect each other, we don't have to agree on everything.

From the discussion on Minahito's blog, we can follow up the URLs
to understand their collective unconscious psychic content.
In fact watching back into their management of and
Xoops Foundation for the last 3 years, it's quite obviously...

Sure this is all about 'Freedom' ! But is that we have experimented?

What happens when somebody is deprived of something ?

Nobody can force somebody to learn and adopt good habits and good principles,
choosing a core or another. It's up to everybody motivations.

And at this point, if some decisions may express some unconsciousness,
it is also about set people free to self-learning and self-development...

So, just show the top of the peak and everybody will be aware that
if we want a global view and our own opinion on what is
going on, it is up to ourselves to made an effort to reach it.

Everybody is free to do so, or not, and made our own choices
according to our definition of freedom, moral and ethics.

Finally, we don't have to be part of a same group
if being part of the group that is grouping all groups ^^

Jung described the collective unconscious, the part of the unconscious which is common to all members of a group, as consisting of mythological motives or primordial images to which he gave the name 'archetypes'.

Archetypes are also highly connected to each other.
And they are very similar to groups: if you pull at a human
social group long enough, you get the whole of humanity. And
that's because groups have a highly archetypal construction.

This is reflected in the essential bi-polarity of most archetypes and groups.
Archetypes are almost always described in pairs, and it is of the essence of most
groups that they define themselves not only in terms of what they are but also in
terms of what they are not (eg women are not men, egoisme is not altruism,
plagiarists are not authentic, and yin is not yang).

Maybe they can be both at the same time !??

"Open Your eyes, Open Your mind, It's open Source!"

Have Fun !
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