PEAK XOOPS - The definition of D3 in englishin japanese

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XOOPS : The definition of D3
Poster : GIJOE on 2008-08-30 06:31:19 (21835 reads)

in englishin japanese
There are an important misunderstandings about D3 especially in Japan.

I made "Duplicatable" architecture for X2 system.
Then, a module only for XoopsCube Legacy cannot be called a D3 module, even if the module can be cloned easily.

D3 modules can work with XoopsCube Legacy2.1, XOOPS2-JP, ImpressCMS, and XOOPS from (a bug patch needed).
This compatibility is quite important for me and you.

In XOOPS, there are some forked core.
It looks sad.
But they can be brother/friend each other if many modules can work with any cores.

I made/maintained my modules for whole XOOPS world, not for some specific forked cores. (Of course, XOOPS from is just one of X2 forked cores)

Here is the definition of D3.

* Requirements
(1) X2 compatible
(2) dirname can be /^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+$/
(3) Almost logics placed inside XOOPS_TRUST_PATH
(4) can be duplicated just by copy into ROOT/modules/. (No rewriting the source code)
(5) No logics in XOOPS_TRUST_PATH are duplicated.

* Recommendation
- Place ROOT/modules/(dirname)/mytrustdirname.php
- All tables are created as (prefix)_(dirname)_(table)
- All templates are created as (dirname)_(tplfile) into DB
- All Blocks are rendered by 'module' templates not by 'block' templates
- Almost blocks can be cloned (just set 'can_clone')
- can use D3Language Manager
- can use D3Comment Integration

You can read a great documentation "Creating a D3 module" by kentaro.
Translated version by google:

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GIJOE  Posted on 2008/9/10 13:04
hi Mikhail.


Hi! Just a suggestion ( maybe a feature request ):
beyond duplicatable, a module can be movable too, at least partially. Capable of being installed out of modules folder, or moved from one place to another (ex: from \modules\news\ to \news\), using a "connector module" inside the XOOPS Cube module folder with the necessary information to make this works. What do you think?
The meaning of "movable" looks ambiguous.

I had implemented a combination both of "mod_rewrite" and "ob_filter".
eg) "modules/" changer

And a superior version by nobunobu

PS: Ah! A little doubt: what the number 3 means in D3?

Duplicatable V1:
eg) TinyContent Duplicatable
It can be installed as tinycontent0, tinycontent1, tinycontent2 so on.

Duplicatable V2:
eg) TinyD, myAlbum-P, piCal, xhld
This kind of modules can be installed as tinyd, contents0, test1 so on.

Duplicatable V3:
eg) wraps, pico, d3forum etc.
You can install it as any directory names as you like, if the all characters hit the regex [0-9a-zA-Z_-]
Mikhail  Posted on 2008/9/9 22:09 | Last modified
Hi! Just a suggestion ( maybe a feature request ;-) ): beyond duplicatable, a module can be movable too, at least partially. Capable of being installed out of modules folder, or moved from one place to another (ex: from \modules\news\ to \news\), using a "connector module" inside the XOOPS Cube module folder with the necessary information to make this works. What do you think? PS: Ah! A little doubt: what the number 3 means in D3?
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