PEAK XOOPS - Re: d3m: duplicatable and movable modules in englishin japanese

Re: d3m: duplicatable and movable modules

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Subject D3モジュールの定義
Summary 「今さら定義?」という気もするのですが、ホダ塾メンバーでさえも、D3の重要な仕様を知らなかったことに驚き、あらためて"D3"を定義したいと思います。もともと"Duplicatable"は、X2の制限をいかにして回避するか、ということを考えて積み上げられてきたテクニックの集大...

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none Re: d3m: duplicatable and movable modules

msg# 1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2008/9/10 13:04
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi Mikhail.


Hi! Just a suggestion ( maybe a feature request ):
beyond duplicatable, a module can be movable too, at least partially. Capable of being installed out of modules folder, or moved from one place to another (ex: from \modules\news\ to \news\), using a "connector module" inside the XOOPS Cube module folder with the necessary information to make this works. What do you think?
The meaning of "movable" looks ambiguous.

I had implemented a combination both of "mod_rewrite" and "ob_filter".
eg) "modules/" changer

And a superior version by nobunobu

PS: Ah! A little doubt: what the number 3 means in D3?

Duplicatable V1:
eg) TinyContent Duplicatable
It can be installed as tinycontent0, tinycontent1, tinycontent2 so on.

Duplicatable V2:
eg) TinyD, myAlbum-P, piCal, xhld
This kind of modules can be installed as tinyd, contents0, test1 so on.

Duplicatable V3:
eg) wraps, pico, d3forum etc.
You can install it as any directory names as you like, if the all characters hit the regex [0-9a-zA-Z_-]
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