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Poster : GIJOE on 2007-04-19 06:16:37 (10210 reads)

in englishin japanese
How to convine joints?
It looks difficult, certainly.

However, I can say there are just three convination patterns.

(A) Outer XML fetch/parse pattern
XML fetching -> convert to UTF8 -> XML parsing -> convert to internal encoding -> extraction -> clipping

(B) Inner get pattern
Local getting/assignment -> extraction

(C) Aggregation pattern
Aggregation -> Sorting

First of all, Let's try make a pattern of (A).

Go to "d3pipes admin" -> "Pipes" -> "Create a new pipe"

You can find four joints are already set.

"Fetcing from outside" "snoopy"
"Parsing XML" "keithxml"
"Transfer encoding from UTF-8" "mbstring"
"Clipping into local" "moduledb"

All you have to do is inputting URI of RSS/RDF/ATOM into the top of option (right of soopy).

After that, input Name as you like, and "Save" it.

Then you can see the result at the public side of d3pipes.
If you get some errors, fix the problems by refering the message.

I'll explain (A) pattern with detail.


Poster : GIJOE on 2007-04-18 13:04:43 (10061 reads)

in englishin japanese
D3 Pipes is a module for treating syndications of inside/outside.

There are too many "Environmental dependencies" in treating outside XML.

--allow_url_fopen on/off
--curl exits/not
--How to pass firewall

--encoding of the XML (mbstring/iconv)
--correspondence between tag and data
--invalid XML

--preg is hard to use for multibyte environment

--internal encoding (mbstring/iconv)

--how to sort entries without publised time

--Which element should be displayed
--Which element should be escaped

In xhld, a class of headlinerenderer handles all dependencies.
Thus, it had been "too big" and "hard to use" codes.

The pipe model solves the problems smartly.

A sample of the pipe model:

Joint -> Joint ->  Joint -> Joint
 XML  utf8string utf8array  array

These are joints composing a pipe.

-fetching XML string (fetch)
--select fopen/snoopy
--set URI as its option

-converting XML string to UTF-8 (utf8to)
--select mbstring/iconv/iso88591
--set XML's encoding as its option

-XML parsing into array (parse)
--keithxml only (should be added one based PEAR:XML* engine)
--set RDF/RSS/ATOM as its option

-converting entries from UTF-8 to internal encoding(utf8to)
--select mbstring/iconv/iso88591
--set internal encoding as its option

-extracting entries (filter)
--select mbregex/pcre
--set regex pattern as its option

-clipping into local (clip)
--moduledb only
--set local cache time as its option (sec)

--mergesort only
--Set (pipe_id):(num),(pipe_id):(num) as its option eg) 1:10,2:5

# The joint of union will be devided into "union" and "sort"

I believe that understanding the principle makes you easy to use D3 Pipes.


Poster : GIJOE on 2007-04-17 06:52:49 (8660 reads)

in englishin japanese
I've just released a module named "D3 Pipes" like *!Pipes
Of course, I cannot make such interfaces.
Just the feature looks like it.

As it is difficult for beginners to use this module, I'll write usages of D3 Pipes.

And, my developping xhld is ended now.

Poster : GIJOE on 2007-04-05 05:45:37 (7123 reads)

in englishin japanese
I've just released a module make your site can be displayed with DB template.

Here is the merits.

(1) You can edit the theme/css via altsys (you can see diff)
(2) CSS of the theme will be templatized automatically
(3) You can specify different themes by blocks (Of course, the block is duplicatable)
(4) You can turn "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory" off when editing DB theme

While, here is the demerits.
(1) It may be fast/easy to edit the theme file at local
(2) Displaying CSS may be slow
(3) It may be easy to change themes in theme.html

Anyway, I think (4) is a pure merit

Poster : GIJOE on 2007-04-04 07:18:18 (7466 reads)

in englishin japanese
I've heard a report about myAlbum-P 2.0


I suspect my eyes. It's far old version. (3.5 years ago!)
Of course, I had already fixed the hole at least 3 years ago (version 2.5)

In fact, there are many sites running "myAlbum-P 2.0" by searching at google.
Then, I shall announce such lazy users.

"Update myAlbum-P or install Protector right now!"

Though this annouce will be never arrived such lazy users...


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