PEAK XOOPS - autologin_for_xoops2.0.14 in englishin japanese


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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2006/6/5 4:58
kelle  二等兵   Posts: 3
Hello Xoops municipality,

many greetings from Germany I does not hope it can me help my English is unfortunately not so good and Japanese speaks I unfortunately. I installed myself in the last week Xoops 2,014. I had the version 2.013 to to run before. I down-loaded myself and installed now completely gladly now again the Autologin chop install and from you the autologin_for_xoops2.0.14JP. If I mean side now call receive I the following error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method XoopsErrorHandler::getinstance() in C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\xoops\htdocs\include\common.php on line 39

Someone has one types as I the problem to solve can.

Yours sincerely Torsten
Votes:9 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2006/6/6 18:28
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
Check or reupload /class/errorhandler.php
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/16 3:48
injevica  二等兵   Posts: 2
I have an identical error.
avec autologin_for_xoops2.0.14JP and XOOPS 2.0.14-rc1

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getinstance() in /mnt/117/ on line 39

Yours sincerely

Here the file errorhandler.php

defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) or die();

require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/logger.php';

* Backward compatibility code, do not use this class directly
class XoopsErrorHandler extends XoopsLogger {
* Activate the error handler
function activate( $showErrors = false ) {
$this->activated = $showErrors;

* Render the list of errors
function renderErrors() {
return $this->dump( 'errors' );

Votes:41 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2006/6/16 6:21
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
I've just understand what you mean.

2.0.14-JP from
2.0.14 from

They are far different core each other.

For version, you should use this:
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2006/6/18 6:31
injevica  二等兵   Posts: 2
Thank you.
Votes:1 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/19 20:29
wilden  二等兵   Posts: 1

I have an error with xoops 2.0.14-rc1 and Autologin for 2.0.13.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getinstance() in /***/****/***/include/common.php on line 40
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/20 6:31
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
Perhaps, I have to make a special version of autologin for 2.0.14.
Votes:2 Average:5.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/20 15:22
kelle  二等兵   Posts: 3

that would be super. Because I have the same problems.

Greetings from Germany Torsten
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question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/21 6:54
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
I've just downloaded and checked the code.
And 2.0.14-rc1 looks far differernt from

I have to get down to the hacking.
Votes:2 Average:10.00

question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/6/21 20:01
kelle  二等兵   Posts: 3

I wait full tension for your solution.

MfG Torsten
Votes:7 Average:8.57

question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/7/7 23:17
javelin  二等兵   Posts: 3
Any news GIJOE?

I think there are many people waiting for your great work !
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question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/7/9 5:42
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
Done it
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question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/13 21:10
3lr0n  二等兵   Posts: 8
Hi Gijoe... i finally upgrade my site to 2.0.14 and i used the autologin hack files for this version..

all running well untill i notice about some errors on the comments engine, sunno if this may be causes by autologin or what, but those errors are after the installation.

sometimes as an admin i only can edit certain user comments (although im loggin as admin).

sometimes users have admin permissions to see ips and edit or delete comments..

could be cause an autoling bug?

ta in advance

EDIT: Im making tests on the site and had realize that when im logged as an admin and logout in the anonymous side i can see the admin links (i forget to say this happens only in news module 1.44 ). I can edit a piece of news, can delete, can see commnenters ips and can edit and delete..

I have the links to do it.. bu i CANT finally.. but seems to (xoops shows me the edition panel etc...)
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question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/15 5:10
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
it sounds just an unrelated topic about autologin.

If you use module caches, disable all right now.
(admin -> preferences -> general)
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question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/15 7:44
3lr0n  二等兵   Posts: 8
Hi.. i just desactivate te cache.. but a question.. its unsafe to turn it on? Its a know problem that cache may affect hte site as i explained before?

Ta in advance
Votes:1 Average:0.00

question Re: autologin_for_xoops2.0.14

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2006/8/16 5:36
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
XOOPS default cache system does not distinguish users priority.
There are few modules you can turn the cache on.

Votes:2 Average:10.00

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