PEAK XOOPS - Another "Is this module installed and working correctly" question in englishin japanese

Another "Is this module installed and working correctly" question

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/3/4 5:27
mongrel  Private   Posts: 4
Hey again.

Okay, so I installed, edited the mainfile.php to include the precheck and postcheck (although I still don't understand what "blockcheck" is...).

And I figured out to set the groups/blocks permissions

AND I figured out how to use the DB prefix manager and update the mainfile.php again.

BUT, there are two things at the moment that are giving me trouble.

1. When I click on the two links at the bottom of the Security Advisory page to see if Protector works well, the first link takes me to a blank page, which I understand to be a good thing. I enter my protector pw and life is good.

But when I click on the second link, my top(home) page loads correctly. Then, there is a description in the Activity Log/ that looks like this:

ISOCOM Isolated comment-in found. (,password /*)

A. Was the second "Protector Test" link page also supposed to result in a blank page? If not, what probably went wrong?

B. What does the Isolated Comment-In log entry tell me? Am I supposed to change something? Should I be very, very afraid?


When I attempt to edit ".htccess" , I can, but then when I attempt to access the site again I get:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

I clear the htaccess file, refresh, and I get no errors.

A. What exactly is supposed to go into the htaccess file? I copied and pasted what I thought was supposed to go there:

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/3/4 6:33
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
I'm sorry that I'm too busy to answer about FAQ.

You should lean about .htaccess by yourself.

And Protector's check works correctly, I think.
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/3/4 8:54
mongrel  Private   Posts: 4
Hey, G.I. Joe

Thanks for the reply!

I'm sure that Protector's check does work correctly.

I am just not sure if the result of the check tells me that I did everything right. I really just want to know if it was a GOOD thing to see:

ISOCOM Isolated comment-in found. (,password /*)

Can anyone tell me if this is what I was supposed to see if I installed correctly?

And yes, I have a lot to learn about many, many things related to the Web--.htaccess is definitely one of them. I was just hoping someone could just copy and paste exactly what I'm supposed to copy and paste. That way I would know if I still needed to learn a little more today. My BRAIN is FULL!

Thanks again!

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