SUMMARY:A hack for Page Caching of XOOPS.
This hack is not for novices but for experts. USAGE:(1) copy fastestcache.php into your XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/include/
(2) make a new folder out of DocumentRoot eg) /home/yourhome/xoops/
(3) make a new folder named "fullcache" under the folder made in step2. Then, chmod 777 fullcache/ .
(4) insert a line into just after defining XOOPS_URL in mainfile.php. (Edit '/home/yourhome/xoops')
(5) insert a line into just before including common.php (out of if part) in mainfile.php.
require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/include/fastestcache.php' ;
If you use EMLH, this line should be inserted after EMLH.
If you use Protector, this line should be inserted just before precheck.
(6) insert a line into just after including common.php (inside if part) in mainfile.php
if (!isset($xoopsOption['nocommon']) ... ) {
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
fastestcache_setcookie() ; // Insert this
(7) open include/functions.php and insert a line into the top of function redirect_header().
function redirect_header($url, $time = 3, $message = '', $addredirect = true)
fastestcache_clearcache() ; // Insert this
global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsRequestUri, $xoopsLogger, $xoopsUserIsAdmin;
If you've updated XOOPS core version, patch include/functions.php again.
CHANGELOG2006-06-30 0.26
- fixed the judgement whether content is html or not (thx suin)
2006-06-27 0.25
- modified for environment with empty $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
2006-02-23 0.24
- fixed register.php can't be cacheable
2006-02-19 0.23
- fixed a bug on login'in and login'out. (thx biroron)
- disabled any caches for admin areas
2006-02-13 0.22
- added a configuration of a regex pattern for excluding some URIs.
2006-01-29 0.21
- fixed a bug about user cannot register (thx harasaki)
2006-01-03 0.20
- added two configurations (cache lifetime is separated by 2 - users&guests)
- removing session_id() in the contents before storing it
- fixed a bug with the login reflection
2005-12-30 0.11
- added the English document
- removed some debugging codes
2005-12-29 0.10
- The 1st experimental version