PEAK XOOPS - altsys 0.71a in englishin japanese

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Download Now! Download Now! altsys 0.71a Popular Version: 0.71a
Submitted Date:  2008/12/22
in englishin japanese
== ALTSYS == alternative system module & library


The unified module of blocksadmin, tplsadmin, etc around the system.

I'm appreciated your bug reports

I'll maintain this module instead of blocksadmin, tplsadmin, avaman etc.


- set XOOPS_TRUST_PATH into mainfile.php
- copy xoops_trus_path/libs/ in the archive into XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/
- copy html/modules/altsys in the archive into XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/
- install it

from 0.2x/0.3x:
- remove XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/altsys/ once
- upload/overwrite both XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/altsys and XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/libs/altsys


- easy block administration
- easy permission adminstration
- easy copy/delete/edit any DB templates
- easy import/export any DB templates
- displaying diff between each version of templates
- finding the template you want to edit easily
- making an Extension for Dreamweaver to edit templates
- modifying adminmenu in the left side of XOOPS 2.0.x easier
- displaying admin controll panels in any conventional themes
- supporting three types of template auto-updating into the DB
- modifying operations/developments of any versions of core (X2,XCL2.1,ImpressCMS etc.) efficient

DB template auto-updating feature

This feature make your customizing/developping DB templates much efficient.
Altsys supports three types of auto-updating into the DB.

(1) auto-updating template under the theme.
This feature is useful for developper of site/theme.
Insert a line just after including common.php of mainfile.php.

		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
		include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH."/libs/altsys/include/" ;

Then, just modifying the templates of /themes/(your_theme)/templates/* will be updated into the DB

(2) auto-updating template under the module
This feature is useful for developper of modules.
Insert two lines just after including common.php of mainfile.php.

		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
		$tplsadmin_autoupdate_dirnames = array( '(your_module)' ) ;
		include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH."/libs/altsys/include/" ;

Then, just modifying the templates of /modules/(your_module)/templates/* will be updated into the DB.
You can specify modules multiply. eg) array( 'piCal' , 'tinyd0' )

(3) auto-updating template under XOOPS_TRUST_PATH
This feature is useful for developper of D3 modules.
Insert two lines just after including common.php of mainfile.php.

		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/common.php";
		$tplsadmin_autoupdate_mydirnames = array( 'pico' , 'd3forum' ) ;
		include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH."/libs/altsys/include/" ;

Then, just modifying the templates of XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/pico/templates/* and XOOPS_TRUST_PATH/modules/d3forum/templates/* will be updated into the DB.

admin in theme

You can display admin side in the theme for XOOPS.
This must be useful for accessibility or mobile.

You have to make some patch for enabling this feature.

(1) XOOPS2.0.x
Insert a line just after including common.php of mainfile.php.

		include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/libs/altsys/include/' ;

(2) XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1
Insert some lines into settings/site_custom.ini.php (If this file does not exist, make it newly)



(3) XOOPS 2.2 and ORETEKI
Not supported yet

Specify the theme for admin in the preferences of altsys.
This means that you can specify different themes between public and admin.
If you disable "admin in theme", set blank here.

If you want to diplaying a block into the admin, Specify "ALTSYS" as the target explicitly.

Admin menu hack

Even if you turn "admin in theme" disabled, you can modify the adminmenu in the left side of admin area. (for 2.0.x)

Just change "Rewrite admin menu" in altsys's preferences.
This is not a core hack but a cache hack.
If your admin area is broken, just remove cache/adminmenu.

Language constants override system

mylangadmin offers you to override the language constants of each modules.

But, there are a hardle to enable this feature.

- You always override constants of module using D3LanguageManager natively.

- With core XoopsCube Legacy2.1, you can use this feature with conventional modules just by copying preload/SetupAltsysLangMgr.class.php

- With conventinal core of XOOPS2, you have to hack the core. (follow the instruction in mylangadmin)

v0.71 (2008-12-21)
- modified rendering options form for XCL2.1 cl::{BlockClass} (thx tohokuaiki)
- modified some behaviors for XOOPS2.3
- fixed group permissions is lost in custom block previewing
- added RTL support (use _GLOBAL_LEFT/RIGHT instead of left,right directly)
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan)
- fixed _GLOBAL_LEFT is defined as 'right' if _ADM_USE_RTL is not defined 0.71a

v0.70 (2008-12-14) Note: update the module
- rewritten myblocksadmin fully
- modified groups can be selected in list_blocks and edit_block
- added a support for ImpressCMS (page ID and block positions)
- removed a support for XOOPS2.2
- added WYSIWYG edition for custom blocks by common/fckeditor (fckxoops)
- removed WYSIWYG edition for custom blocks by common/spaw
- added language files
-- portuguesebr (thx leco1)

v0.61 (2008-09-05)
- added D3NotificationHandler
- fixed some modinfo.php loaded twice with langauge overridding 0.61a

v0.60 (2008-08-07)
- fixed warning by assert() in Text_Diff
- fixed notices missing modinfo.php (thx shige-p)

v0.59 (2008-05-22)
- fixed css for admin with XCL2.1 and "admin in theme"
- modified the compatibility of blocksadmin with XCL2.1
- updated gtickets.php
- updated language files
-- persian (thx stranger) 0.59a

v0.58 (2008-04-10)
- fixed wrong breadcrumbs as my*admin
- modified "admin in theme" read language files under the theme
- added setup_xoops_trust_path.php

v0.57 (2008-04-01)
- modified public top altsys
- fixed typo in langman (thx nobunobu)
- fixed templates_c/index.html can be removed (thx nobunobu)
- added module's language files under the theme for XCL2.1
- added pagetype's language files under the theme for XCL2.1
- fixed menu duplication with admin in theme and XCL2.1 (thx nobunobu)
- added a class named AltsysBreadcrumbs
- modified xoops_breadcrumbs for "admin in theme"
- added language files
-- spanish (thx debianus)

v0.56 (2007-12-28)
- added a feature of custom template file (not custom "template set")
- modified cloned blocks have independent "func_num" each other
- modified compatibility with some XCL special modules about admin_in_theme
- added partially overriding language constants by XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/my_language
- modified mylangadmin displays which constants are overridden partially 0.56a
- modified compatibility with NBFrame 0.56a

v0.55 (2007-07-12)
- modified the compatibility against XOOPS 2.0.14/15/16
- added a class D3Tpl extends XoopsTpl
- modified adminmenu hack (thx nobu) 0.55a
- updated language files 0.55a
-- persian (thx voltan)
- added language files 0.55a
-- german (thx rene)

v0.54 (2007-07-06)
- fixed admin_in_theme conflicts PHP debug of conventinal XOOPS2
- fixed admin_in_theme conflicts redirect hack

v0.53 (2007-06-05)
- modified some interfaces
- renamed language
-- ja_utf8 (formerly japanaeseutf)

v0.52 (2007-05-11)
- added config of "force block cloning"
- mofieid cache files for overriding language constants
- modified mylangadmin can treat modinfo.php even

v0.51 (2007-05-10)
- added mylangadmin for conventional modules
- added a preload for overriding XC Legacy 2.1 Language Manager
- modified interface of mylangadmin
- templatized mymenu for altsys
- templatized mymenusub for altsys

v0.50 (2007-05-07)
- added mylangadmin - the override system for language constants
- templatized mymenu
- added "update and continue to edit" button into mytplsadmin
- added language files
-- japaneseutf
- modified the compatibility of mylangadmin 0.50a
- updated language files 0.50a
-- persian (thx voltan)

v0.41 (2007-04-04)
- modified tplsadmin can edit themes with dbtheme module
- fixed compatibility between "admin in theme" and Legacy 2.1 (thx sakichi)
- fixed redirect_message 0.41a

v0.40 (2007-03-27) note: overwrite XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/altsys also
- modified the structure radically
- added a bridge "admin in theme" to XC Legacy 2.1
- added a block of adminmenu
- modified README better

v0.36 (2007-03-23)
- modified compatibilities of "admin in theme" still
- added a feature blocks can be displayed in "admin in theme" (also
- changed blocks displaying rule in "admin in theme" (specify ALTSYS explicitly)
- added xoops_breadcrumbs for "admin in theme"
- fixed compatibity problem with php5 on "admin in theme" (thx sakichi) 0.36a

v0.35 (2007-03-22)
- modified compatibilities of "admin in theme"
- added a feature any blocks can be displayed in "admin in theme" (only with JP)

v0.34 (2007-03-21)
- added a feature of "admin in theme"

v0.33 (2007-03-20)
- modified admin menu hacks a little bit
- modified compilehookadmin for other than html templates
- updated language files
-- persian (thx voltan)

v0.32 (2007-03-19)
- modified admin menu hacks
- fixed a bug on installing newly (thx fourpsk)

v0.31 (2007-03-18)
- added admin menu hacks

v0.30 (2007-03-14) note: remove XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/modules/altsys once
- modified the structure of file tree

v0.21 (2006-10-27)
- fixed wrong link from templates (thx makimaki)
- added language persian (thx voltan)

v0.20 (2006-10-18)
- modified compatibility with Cube 2.1 beta
- fixed wrong links of admin menu (thx usagiya) 0.20a

v0.12 (2006-07-18)
- modified compatibility with Cube 2.1 alpha3 without system module

v0.11 (2006-06-21)
- fixed uri of spaw in myblocksadmin (thx nico)
- modified icon (thx argon)

v0.10 (2006-05-19)
- 1st release as altsys
- myblocksadmin
- mytplsadmin
- mypreferences
- compilehookadmin
- fixed escaping rule of & (myblocksadmin)
- XOOPS 2.2 ready (myblocksadmin)

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Comments list

CinTake  Posted on 2011/10/1 18:49

==> japanese (元のjpaneseフォルダは名称変更)

(ja_utf8 というフォルダがある場合は japanese を別名にするか削除し、ja_utf8 を japanese に変更)
tohokuaiki  Posted on 2009/2/6 18:46 | Last modified
I recently use DB template system as usual.

And Altsys auto-update-system is very very useful, for developping module templates.

I find .css template file is not updated automatically.

xoops_trust_path/libs/altsys/include/ at Line 19.
! if( is_file( $file_path ) && (substr( $file , -5 ) == '.html'||substr( $file , -4 ) == '.css') ) {

It works!
lansnode  Posted on 2009/1/9 12:43 | Last modified
translate to chinese

schinese + schinese_utf8

download here:
GIJOE  Posted on 2008/12/21 4:28
hi voltan.

I've just downloaded it and updated my repository.
altsys-0.71 includes your language files.

Thank you!
voltan  Posted on 2008/12/19 20:01 | Last modified
thx gijoe
you can find last persian language fro here

and thank you for support xoops 2.3.x
voltan  Posted on 2008/9/2 0:19
today xoops 2.3rc2 Released

In main package add Several module! pm, profile, protector and altsys 0.60!!!
altsys work without any problem for me!!!!
I am very happy :D
GIJOE  Posted on 2008/8/31 4:17 | Last modified
hi voltan.


but i think structure of xoops 2.3 blocks like xoops 2.0 and add block clone system to it !
Thank you for a good notification.
Though I don't have time to support XOOPS2.3 positively, I'll never be negative against XOOPS2.3
voltan  Posted on 2008/7/19 19:47
Do you know the structure of the blocks in 2.3?

sorry i don't konw .
but i think structure of xoops 2.3 blocks like xoops 2.0 and add block clone system to it !
GIJOE  Posted on 2008/7/10 3:47
hi voltan.


voltan wrotes:
I sow altsys have some problem in xoops 2.3
I test xoops 2.3 and i sow all of your modules work in this version but altsys have this error
As my rule, I don't support "XOOPS" from

BTW, 2.3 looks not a heir of XOOPS-2.2

If the block of 2.3 has a structure same as 2.0, all I have to do is just modifying the condition branching XOOPS versions.

Do you know the structure of the blocks in 2.3?
voltan  Posted on 2008/7/10 2:13
hello GIJOE
I sow altsys have some problem in xoops 2.3
I test xoops 2.3 and i sow all of your modules work in this version but altsys have this error

 This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.

You can provide the following information to the administrators of this site to help them solve the problem:

Error: Class XoopsBlockinstanceHandler does not exist
Handler Name: blockinstance
/include/functions.php (446)
D:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/xoops_trust_path/libs/altsys/include/MyBlocksAdminForXoops22.class.php (77)
D:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/xoops_trust_path/libs/altsys/myblocksadmin.php (168)
D:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/xoops_trust_path/libs/altsys/index.php (39)
/modules/altsys/admin/index.php (11) 

i think altsys very better for administration block Proportion xoops block system
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