PEAK XOOPS - a problem with myAlbum-P in englishin japanese

a problem with myAlbum-P

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/3 10:58
agi  企霹始   Posts: 3
my system is windows 2003 server
I use IIS+PHP+mysql+xoop2.0.5
and install myAlbum-P 2.0.
but i install finish my pic can`t upload to the web
it say my pic is to large and can`t upload
who can help me

my php.ini set is below

upload = on
upload size = 8mb
gd2 is on
Votes:2 Average:5.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/4 16:14
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
As I have never tested myAlbum-P on Windows, I can't forecast causes of the problem.
At first, show the result of 'Module Check'.

Votes:2 Average:0.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/5 16:29
agi  企霹始   Posts: 3
'Module Check' is below...

Table Check
Photos table: agi_myalbum_photos ok
Number of Photos: 0

Descriptions table: agi_myalbum_text ok
Number of description: 0

Categories table: agi_myalbum_cat ok
Number of Categories: 1

Votedata table: agi_myalbum_votedata ok
Number of votedata: 0

Comments table: agi_myalbum_comments ok
Number of comments: 0

Config Check
Use ImageMagick: no
GD Version: bundled (2.0.15 compatible)

Directory for Photos: C:/page/html/modules/myalbum/photos ok

Directory for Thumbnails: C:/page/html/modules/myalbum/photos/thumbs ok

Photos & Thumbs Link Check
Now, checking .ok

everyting is ok and installing is ok..
so.. can you help me ???
Votes:1 Average:0.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/6 19:58
frenchman  办霹始   Posts: 16
It means that the size of your photo that you are trying to upload is to big.
Try to go to the admin page, then open configuration of the module photo album......and change the max size of uploaded default it is 100 kb......I changed it to 700 kb....
Votes:18 Average:7.78
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/8 9:36
agi  企霹始   Posts: 3
but i already change to 1024 x 1024
size is 100000000 and is still can`t upload any pic
Votes:1 Average:10.00

normal Re: a problem with myAlbum-P

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2003/11/9 8:17
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
Probably it is a bug or setting miss of IIS.
Some version of IIS can upload only when "Allow using Anonymous FTP" is on.

Can another php script -eg)avatormanager- upload any files?

Votes:2 Average:10.00

normal Re: a problem with myAlbum-P

Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2003/11/10 16:24
chika3  企霹始   Posts: 6
If your server is Windows,
please check your php.ini (c:\windows\php.ini).

;upload_tmp_dir =

if this is comment-out, upload_tmp_dir is "c:\Windows\Temp".
please check 1 or 2.
1. add access-right , "c:\Windows\Temp".
ex. IUSR_www or everybody
(but, be care your security)

2. make "c:\php\temp"
upload_tmp_dir = "c:\php\temp"
add access-right, "c:\php\temp"
ex. IUSR_www or everybody.

My myAlbum-P is running on Win2000/IIS/PHP4.3.4.
Votes:4 Average:7.50

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