PEAK XOOPS - d3forum-0.85 in englishin japanese


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Subject d3forum-0.85
Summary ============ D3FORUM ==============XOOPS2用に0から設計し直したフォーラムモジュール。私-GIJOE-が、自信を持ってリリースしています。まだいくつかバグはあるでしょうが、D3モジュール群の中核を成す存在であり、D3モジュールを利用する以上はインストールが推奨され...

happy d3forum-0.85

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.5 | Posted on 2010/3/29 6:42 | Last modified
leco1  三等軍曹 From: Porto Alegre  Posts: 93
I installed the xoopspoll in and added the comments in d3forum.

See how focused the template xoopspoll_results.html

<div style='text-align: center; margin: 3px;'> <table width="60%" class="outer" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <th colspan="2"><{$poll.question}></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="odd" align="left" colspan="2"> <{$poll.description}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="head" align="right" colspan="2"> <{$poll.end_text}> </td> </tr> <{foreach item=option from=$poll.options}> <tr> <td class="even" width="30%" align="left"> <{$option.text}> </td> <td class="odd" width="70%" align="left"> <{$option.image}> <{$option.percent}> </td> </tr> <{/foreach}> <tr> <td class="foot" colspan="2" align="center"> <{$poll.totalVotes}> | <{$poll.totalVoters}><br /><{$}> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <{d3forum_comment dirname=d3forum forum_id=14 itemname="poll_id" subject=$poll.question}>

Please see working in this links:

Make your site registration and test the comments

Thanks Gijoe and nobu to the tips
Votes:29 Average:8.28

none Re: d3forum-0.85

msg# 1.5
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2013/4/3 12:41
handyman  二等兵 From: London, UK  Posts: 1
What is the system requirement of that?
Votes:18 Average:8.33

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