PEAK XOOPS - Use myAlbum-P with FLV video in englishin japanese

Use myAlbum-P with FLV video

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 .3 | Posted on 2009/5/4 3:51
luckylin  办霹始   Posts: 11
I successfully modify the album to upload FLV video, but since the album is using GD to make a thumbnail, I can only got a blank-white, all-the-same thumbnail for all different video (ONLY in FLV formats). However, my server (paid commercial server) has installed all video tools. Is there a way to make these video tools (especially the "flvtool2") to work with myAlbum-P to create the correct thumbnails? I do not need to use these tools to convert AVI to FLV, since I only upload FLV format. They are pre-made in my PC.

The server was previously installed the osTube 2.5; ( but since they have very restricted rules for free version, I want to use Xoops, it's still my favorite!!

Tools installed (by the provider, paid):


and what I want to do is change myAlbum-P to use flvtool2 to make the thumbnail. Anyone help shade me a light?

Thanks in advanced.
Votes:11 Average:9.09
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2009/5/4 7:49
luckylin  办霹始   Posts: 11
I know in the include/functions.php contains the scripts/command to covert the thumbnail, and if I assigned the flvtools2 path to ImaigMagick, I guess there might be a way to execute it... I am digging to it.
Votes:14 Average:9.29
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2009/5/4 15:19 | Last modified
luckylin  办霹始   Posts: 11
After 10+ hours of study, I got the answer - for those who wants to use this decent module to hold your video (for me, FLV) and make thumbnail, first thing, put the FFMPEG path to ImageMagick field, (so I am telling myAlbum-p to use the path of ImageMagick but actually it is looking to run my FFMPEG, change to your own path!!)

then go to functions.php, mod the followings:


function myalbum_create_thumb( $src_path , $node , $ext )


return myalbum_copy_thumb_from_icons( $src_path , $node , $ext ) ;

return myalbum_create_thumb_by_imagick( $src_path , $node , $ext ) ;



function myalbum_create_thumb_by_imagick( $src_path , $node , $ext )


if( $width <= $new_w && $height <= $new_h ) {

then use the followings to do the job:
(you have to change the path accordingly)

exec( "{$myalbum_imagickpath}ffmpeg -i $src_path -vcodec png -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -ss 00:00:03 -y -s 200x150 $thumbs_dir/$node.png" ) ;

exec( "/usr/bin/mogrify -format gif $thumbs_dir/$node.png");
@unlink( "$thumbs_dir/$node.png" ) ;
exec( "rm -i $thumbs_dir/$node.png");


It works perfect to me, and even works for rebuilding the thumbnails under admin.

Thanks to GI Joe for this wonderful module and now it 100% server my needs!!!!
Votes:14 Average:9.29
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2009/5/6 5:08
GIJOE  黎扦烦菱   Posts: 4110
hi luckylin.

Though I won't modifiy myAlbum-P itself, your post looks great.
It must be useful for people want to use FLV on myAlbum-P.

You will be interested with a module "cinemaru" made by tokita.


Votes:15 Average:8.67
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2010/1/31 5:31
luckylin  办霹始   Posts: 11
After this long time, I still like your album the most! It works for my FLV, and easy to understand and to work!!
Votes:10 Average:9.00

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