PEAK XOOPS - Re: auto-login hacked files for XOOPS 2.2 in englishin japanese

Re: auto-login hacked files for XOOPS 2.2

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Subject auto-login hacked files for XOOPS 2.2.x
Summary ●XOOPS 2.2用のオートログインハック (V4)これは本家版用です。JP版には利用できないので、注意してください!オートログインの機能自体を、完全に作り直したものであるため、しばらくはベータ版扱いとします。ご了承ください。----------------------------------------...
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/9/9 15:57 | Last modified
comflash2  二等兵   Posts: 3

<input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="On" class ="formButton" />rememer me<br />

should be

<input type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="On" class ="formButton" />remember me<br />
Votes:2 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/9/10 16:49
GIJOE  先任軍曹   Posts: 4110
hi comflash2.

Thank you for reporting a typo.

I've just fixed and modified auto-login hack itself a little bit more securer.
Votes:2 Average:10.00
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/9/13 20:09
jyotirmaya  二等兵   Posts: 5
Thanks Joe, I have installed on 2.2 and it works fine.

One small problem - I don't use the login block, but rather have a link that directs people to the user.php page when they want to login (checkout www.anandamarga,

Is it possible to include the "Remember Me" checkbox in thuis page??
Votes:4 Average:5.00

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