PEAK XOOPS - Question about Access Limitation in englishin japanese

Question about Access Limitation

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normal Question about Access Limitation

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/7/14 9:19
enzo  二等兵   Posts: 1

I am using myalubm-P for my web magazine and it really helps me.

Today I have question.

I am using myalbum-p as image libraly but since I have news about new product I do not want public user to see the contents of image libraly, because I usually post article to XOOPS before it is open to public.
Not only the article but also I post pictures to image libraly.

I suppose that there is access limitation for accessing myalbum-P it self but no access limitation for myalbum-P as image library.

Is there anyway I can solve this problem or no way?
Or I am wrong?

Please help. Thank you.
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