PEAK XOOPS - Re: I give ¡ÉCustomizing XOOPS¡É to you! in englishin japanese

Re: I give ¡ÉCustomizing XOOPS¡É to you!

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Subject I give "Customizing XOOPS" to you!
Summary This application has already ended.----------------------------------------------"Customizing XOOPS" -a XOOPS book written by matchan and me- get good selling result. (already 6th print)And I have surplus the books by my side.Thus I'd like to return my...

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normal Re: I give ¡ÉCustomizing XOOPS¡É to you!

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/4/15 8:47 | Last modified
FutureSpy  ¸àĹ From: À¤³¦¤Î¤É¤Ã¤«¤Ç  Posts: 70
Do you want the other my book "The practical tecnique to protect from cyber-terrorizing" also?
Yeah, for how much would you send it to me including the shipping? (big stores like Amazon Japan overprice the already HIGH shipping fees to Latin America)

PS: Today's holiday and I was supposed to be studying... Back to math (+_+)
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