PEAK XOOPS - Re: xhld 3.07a in englishin japanese

Re: xhld 3.07a

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Subject xhld 3.08
Summary === ヘッドラインモジュール xhld ===RSSやATOMを表示するモジュールです。歴史的には標準モジュールであるXoopsHeadlineがベースですが、今ではかなり書き変わって別物と化しているはずです。2.73以降、フィードの日時フォーマットが空文字の場合、日時が表示されません...

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normal Re: xhld 3.07a

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/10/27 0:52 | Last modified
everyman  二等兵   Posts: 2
I *love* this module. My only gripe is regarding the way it presents the text. Such as for example:

# 25 Oct pm06:11 NJ Supreme Court Says Legislature Must Weigh Same-Sex #39Marriage#39 -

My concern is the "#39" that often shows up, or the "?" that replaces the apostrophe:

"John Doe?s care package."

No matter what feed I grab, this always happens. With other news readers, I don't have this problem. However, they are otherwise not as functional nor as cool as yours.

Suggestions? Perhaps there is something I need to do to one of my templates to fix this?
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