PEAK XOOPS - Re: d3forum-0.2 (alpha) in englishin japanese

Re: d3forum-0.2 (alpha)

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Subject d3forum-0.60a (beta)
Summary ============ D3FORUM ==============こっちは旧バージョンです(ダウンロードもできません)。新バージョンはこちら。用に0から設計し直したフォーラムモジュール。私-GIJOE-が、自信を持ってリリー...

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normal Re: d3forum-0.2 (alpha)

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/10/21 8:52
tl  三等軍曹   Posts: 84
GIJOE: there is an extra "a" in one of the template files. It is just me, the old template looks better than the new one. Thanks, tl.
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