PEAK XOOPS - block this day's event in englishin japanese

block this day's event

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question block this day's event

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/5/29 17:29
lint  二等兵 From: Amsterdam  Posts: 1

I'm only using this block on my website. To show a historic event that took place on that specific day. And I want it to be as clean as possible.

I looked at all the doc's but can find it (have limited knowledge of php).

first wish
I would like to delete the image dot_allday.gif and move the text to the left.

second wish
In this block you can also add an event. This feature is only relevant for me, so I would like it not to be visible for visitors of the site. Can even be removed from the block code, because adding can be done elsewhere to.

Can anybody help me with these wishes?

greetings Erik
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