PEAK XOOPS - Ban IP when accessing a web page in englishin japanese

Ban IP when accessing a web page

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question Ban IP when accessing a web page

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/1 19:10
danand725  二等兵 From: London. UK  Posts: 7
Dear all,

First many thanks for Protector.

I致e been getting lots of spam in a guestbook basically accessing the sign.php directly. None of the span ever gets through but it does increase our bandwidth.

I want to have a go at creating a fake sign.php page that will automatically ban IPs in Protector, but not quite sure how to do this. I知 happy that any access of the file will be from a hostile IP.

I知 guessing I can just extract parts of the file and then just keep playing until it works?

// If precheck has already judged that he should be banned
	if( $can_ban && $protector->_should_be_banned ) {
		$protector->register_bad_ips() ;

Any help appreciated if anyone has already done this kind of thing to beat spam!

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