PEAK XOOPS - bookmark module ?? and top row links ?? in englishin japanese

bookmark module ?? and top row links ??

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question bookmark module ?? and top row links ??

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/5/28 16:16
rizaa  二等兵   Posts: 5
How can I add "bookmark" on the left as well as top row like in this site ??

Infact, is it possible to have this theme as well as structural layout, like "welcome 'yourname'" and logout at topmost row, site links row, and then user a/c, inbox etc row ?

or is this sites propietary and nonsharable

Its a splendid layout, by far the best I have seen.

( its not in proper forum, but just can help adding that the myalbumP rocks , only I wished it has ecard feature )
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