PEAK XOOPS - Future feature... ? in englishin japanese

Future feature... ?

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question Future feature... ?

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/4/6 1:54
slyss79  三等軍曹   Posts: 143
I am trying to solve a little problem involving a feature of your wonderful calendar module.

When I put an event starting say at 10 PM and ending at 3 AM in the morning of the day after, I have to set a different date for the ending (that can confuse and complicate the work of many users) and as final result the event appears also for the next day in the Calendar, when in fact it is just running a few hours during the late hours after midnight.

Would it be possible to have a modified module of calendar where when a user puts such an event it automatically changes the date of the ending (or do
not change it at all) and the event doesn't appear in the calendar for the next day?

In addition some events do not have a sure time for the ending so it would be great to have the possibility not to specify the time of the ending.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
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