PEAK XOOPS - Hacked myblocksadmin in englishin japanese

Hacked myblocksadmin

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report Hacked myblocksadmin

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2004/3/16 13:00
Post from geeklifer as a guest

First, I'd like to say that myblocksadmin is one handy little hack you guys put together. This makes administration of block permissions so much more efficient. Good work!

I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to submit a little hack I made on the myblocksadmin hack. The instructions that were included with the original were a bit vague and seeing two links to "Blocks" was a bit confusing for users, so I came up with these steps to polish the final install.

1) copy these 3 files into XOOPS_ROOT_PATH./modules/system/admin/

>] myblocksadmin.php
>] mygroupperm.php
>] mygrouppermform.php

2) edit admin/menu.php and add a menu item like this:

$adminmenu[**]['title'] = _MI_SYSTEM_ADMENU**;
$adminmenu[**]['link'] = "admin/myblocksadmin.php";

->> Replace (**) with the desired menu ranks and item number <<-

$adminmenu[15]['title'] = _MI_SYSTEM_ADMENU18;
$adminmenu[15]['link'] = "admin/myblocksadmin.php";

4) Open XOOPS_ROOT_PATH./modules/system/admin/language/(your language)/modinfo.php

5) Edit the difinition list by adding the following code:


->> Replace (**) with your prefered menu item number and title. <<-

define("_MI_SYSTEM_ADMENU18","Block Permissions");

->> Be sure to adjust any other ranks if neccesary <<-

This procedure has been tested on XOOPS 2.0.6RC, but is not guaranteed to work.

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