PEAK XOOPS - Time & duplication issues in englishin japanese

Time & duplication issues

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question Time & duplication issues

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/8/1 22:02
outdoors  二等兵   Posts: 4
hey Gijoe, I love your work and the obvious amount of time you spend developing and helping gumbies like myself! keep it up!

I do have a couple of queries though:

I use sunbird as my desktop calendar and I want to import my ics file to piCal so I can view thing when away.

1. when I import my ics file into piCal it messes up all my times. I noticed on another post you said to check the xoops system time config, which I have done but it makes no difference. (my server is in the US east coast, so I set the server GMT time to there. my computer is in AUstralia, so I set the time to here. then in pical I tell it to use local time, which doesn't work and I try telling to use GMT time, also doesn't work) what else can I try?

2. when I import information into pical on a couple of days, it duplicates all entries each time. so if I go and update pical from my ics file on day one, it will duplicate what ever was there before, meaning each time I import I get another copy of the same record.

I love the prog and how friendly it is, but I have been trying to fix these issues for over 10 hours now to no avail... argh... can you please shed some light in the direction need to go?

I know absolutly nothing about php or programming.

Thanks in advance!

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