PEAK XOOPS - upload temp file location in englishin japanese

upload temp file location

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question upload temp file location

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/2/25 6:17
bumbum  二等兵   Posts: 9
I've tried a couple of versions of myAlbum and keep getting the same error message in Check Confs&Envs :

PHP directive 'upload_tmp_dir': Error: upload_tmp_dir (/home/vdeck/tmp) is not writable nor readable .

vdeck is the GUI that the host server uses and for some reason myAlbum keeps on sticking this in the way of my temp file which should simple be /home/tmp

Is there a way of manually setting this?

I can run myAlbum locally (on my laptop & desktop) and it's a sweet module so I'm V keen to get it running properly on the server
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