PEAK XOOPS - ??????? Japanese National Holidays in the English Version in englishin japanese

??????? Japanese National Holidays in the English Version

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question ??????? Japanese National Holidays in the English Version

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/9/30 12:26
dezklr  二等兵   Posts: 2
I am sorry it this is a repeat, but I am completely new to Xoops so please be patient with me! I have searched and searched but I cannot find the answer to my question.. I recently installed the piCal into our new company site. It's GREAT, I really love the layout and it is so easy to use!

My problem is; I work in an English speaking company in Japan. The holidays for the English Calendar seem to be set for American holidays. Did I install the wrong version? Is there a way I can change the holiday set to the Japanese calendar?

Please Help!!!

Thank you,
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