hi xsell.
2- downloaded the archive smarty_dhtml_v100.zip
3-unziped then copied and overwrite the Previouse on from xoops Core .htdocs\class\smarty\plugins
4- Edited template commentany_center.html by removing every thing and Insert the code you provided me above.
5- Got error..
Error: Smarty error: [in db:commentany_center.html line 2]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'xoops_xoopsdhtmltarea' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 599)
It's a typo.
<textarea name="com_text" cols=50 rows=4></textarea>
<{xoopsdhtmltarea name="com_text" cols=50 rows=4}>
And if you already have function.xoopsdhtmltarea.php in smarty/plugins, you don't have to overwrite it.
There are two versions of function.xoopsdhtmltarea.php
- minahito (original)
- GIJOE (newer and used/included by D3 modules)
Both will work fine.