PEAK XOOPS - Added bullets at the beginning of each event in month view in englishin japanese

Added bullets at the beginning of each event in month view

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question Added bullets at the beginning of each event in month view

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/9/1 3:11
AZNative  一等兵 From: Phoenix, Arizona, USA  Posts: 12
When viewing the month-view, days that have multiple events scheduled seem to run together. Some events may be more than one line long and just blend in with all the other events?

Add a bullet to the beginning of each event so as to distinguish and seperate the different events.

Open piCal.php and do a search for the following line of code (note that the string below is only the begiinning part of the line and should result in only one hit.)

$event_str_tmp = "<a href='$get_target?smode=Monthly ;

Remove the entire line of code and replace it with the following

$event_str_tmp = "&#149;&nbsp;<a href='$get_target?smode=Monthly&action=View&event_id=$event->id&caldate=$this->caldate' style='font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;'>$summary</a>" ;
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