PEAK XOOPS - PHP_SELF XSS in englishin japanese


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question PHP_SELF XSS

msg# 1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/8/30 10:35
jseymour  ¾åÅùʼ From: Gainesville Florida, USA  Posts: 40
I seem to be getting a lot of this with search engine bots and the xoopsodp module. Is there any reason for this?

I am using protector 2.52 and have had this with both msnbot and gogglebot in the protector logs on my site. Sometimes upwards of 60 entries for the same IP and the same ODP page. Using XOOPS

Here is an example log entry:

2005/8/29 15:51:36 Guests
msnbot/1.0msnbot/1.0 (+ PHP_SELF XSS Invalid PHP_SELF '/modules/xoopsodp/index.php/Arts/Literature/Children\'s/Authors/N/Numeroff,_Laura/' found.i
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question Re: PHP_SELF XSS

msg# 1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/9/1 12:49
GIJOE  ÀèǤ·³Áâ   Posts: 4110
It's difficult.

There is a vulnerablity of "PHP_SELF XSS" in all versions of XOOPS.

Protector stop it because it found illegal character (=') in PHP_SELF.

I think the way of xoopsodp is not good.
PATH_INFO must be like a PATH.


If you can, rename Children's to Childrens or etc.
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