PEAK XOOPS - Re: Getting MyAlbum to Duplicate Catergory Listings in englishin japanese

Re: Getting MyAlbum to Duplicate Catergory Listings

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normal Re: Getting MyAlbum to Duplicate Catergory Listings

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/12 2:53
tedsmith  伍長   Posts: 64
Thank you for that information. I have done what you recommended and created a second instance of the myalbum module, and renamed them accordingly (so I have one called 'Report a Lost Dog' and one called 'Report a Found Dog'.

In the second module I added a parent catergory of 'Found Dogs' and then tried the Export command from the original module (lost dogs). I am able to select the parent catergory that I want to export (i.e. Lost Dogs to Found Dogs)), but the drop-down menu that asks which module I want to export it to is empty, and I am unable to select the other myalbum module - in this case Report a Lost Dog.

So I tried it the other way round - I tried to import the catergories from the 'Lost Dog' module to the 'Found Dog' module. I selected the parent catergory hoping all the ones beneath it would be imported to, but it just imported the top catergory and left the rest behind.

To confirm, what I need is to be able to import\export THE CATERGORIES, not the actual content (because at this stage there is no content anyway!).

Any ideas?
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