PEAK XOOPS - Re: Name the RBL that has listed them. in englishin japanese

Re: Name the RBL that has listed them.

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none Re: Name the RBL that has listed them.

msg# 1.1.1
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2007/7/25 1:51 | Last modified
bdw  一等兵   Posts: 14
Hi sorry for taking so long in answering. been busy getting things organised.

It happened on my own site.

I got around it by going off-line and reconnecting as i was given a new IP address.

To be honest with you I dont want to disable the plugin as I think its actually stopping the comment spammer targeting xoops sites.

It's just that I feel that people who are denied by RBL should be told which RBL denied them so that if they are innocent they can go and get their IP address removed from that RBL's list.

Should I just stick to one RBL and edit the plugin to say the name of it in their? Or should I list the 2 that i use.
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