PEAK XOOPS - Problems with XOOPS backend.php feeds in englishin japanese

Problems with XOOPS backend.php feeds

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/4 18:23
JasonMR  Private 1st Class   Posts: 14
I've got XOOPS 2.0.10RC and multiple versions (5, and yes, I have created the mysql file and image) of xhld 2.94 (latest available version) installed.

My problem is, that if I add a XOOPS powered site feed (backend.php), the headlines are not being fetched, so also the blocks stay empty. Further there is no error message, as one usally gets, if the provided URL doesn't provide a valid XML feed, in the admin section of xhld.

PHP debug gives me the following errors:
- for blocks
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: items in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 230
Warning [PHP]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 235
Warning [PHP]: array_slice(): The first argument should be an array in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 282
Warning [PHP]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 283

- for modul main page
Warning [PHP]: array_slice(): The first argument should be an array in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 282
Warning [PHP]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in file modules/xhld4/class/headlinerenderer.php line 283

In other words, I can add the URLs in the admin section, and in there all seems fine. No error messages. If I go to the actuall module mainpage, there is nothing being displayd. The blocks only display with the header, and then below, there is just a small white field.

Hope I've provided enough information.

Thanks for your work and help.

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/5 17:27
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi Jason.

What a heavy user you are!

There are two independent issues.

- Not a good Error handling of xhld
I've just modified it.

- Error in Fetching RSS of the site
If the site is not down, write here the URL of RSS.

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/6 8:39
JasonMR  Private 1st Class   Posts: 14

What a heavy user you are!
This is mainly due to the fact, that you can't assigned blocks to pages individually with XOOPS. Further I like to keep all the headlines of interest in their own 'category/section'.

But makes updating quite a chore (so if you should ever come up with a solution for easier updating, I would be more than thankful)

Never the less, this is why I like your duplicatability feature so much

There are two independent issues.

- Not a good Error handling of xhld
I've just modified it.

- Error in Fetching RSS of the site
If the site is not down, write here the URL of RSS.

Well, I've updated with 2.95, but now I don't get any error messages at all

As mentioned, I only have problems when fetching RSS feeds from XOOPS powered sites. All others work just fine. Take a look at my site (sorry, it's not very nice, nor functional, just my private playground)


The problems is with the last, where I want to display 'XOOPS related news'.

The sites in question:
XOOPS Official Support Site
XOOPS Development Forge
XOOPS Tips And Tricks
WF Projects
Smart Factory
Wolf Factory
PEAK Network (don't need to link this one


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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2005/4/6 12:59
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi Jason.

Of course, xhld can parse the xml feeded by Xoops sites.
I don't see the reason.

Which URIs do you set as "URI of RSS or ATOM" ?
And which encoding did you set?
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Previous post - Next post | Parent - No child | Posted on 2005/4/8 20:13
JasonMR  Private 1st Class   Posts: 14

Sorry GIJOE for waisting your time, I hadn't created the templates - DOUGH

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