PEAK XOOPS - Re: Multiple calendars & People Resources in englishin japanese

Re: Multiple calendars & People Resources

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normal Re: Multiple calendars & People Resources

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/8/1 14:13
bluwu  Private   Posts: 9
Thanks for clearing my brain... You are corrent

Well that is the problem... i dont want to have "modules/piCal/" showing up as my homepage URL for my website... i just want to turn on the monthly calendar block showing the categories dropdown list and put it on any page i want.

Any quick ideas?

Also, I would just like a page where registered users (with set permissions) can go to add/edit/delete multiple people resources to an event that they submitted and own after an event is created (this would need to be searchable by the regular XOOPS search form as all fields should be).

The list of people resources would show up in the details page of an event. Also, if the admin wanted he could show the list of say speakers (or any combination of resources - sortable) under each event title in the Coming Events block.

The table would hold something equivalent to EVENTID (dropdown ist of events own by user), FULLNAME (with optional dropdown box listing names chosen by the admin of the site... e.g. Blu Wu, GIJOE, etc.) and TYPE (with an optional default list -> speaker, vendor, Telelink, etc. and an open textbox for TYPES if not listed)

I would love to see this.

So, ya say you'll have that done in a jiffy?! GO JOE!

BTW, "public calendar of whole site" which is extensible by plug-ins, is a hot idea too.
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