PEAK XOOPS - Re: New Protector is testing now in englishin japanese

Re: New Protector is testing now

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Subject New Protector is testing now
Summary XoopsProtector 2.2 will be released soon.I'm now testing the module in this site.The features of the next version...- welcomed major search engines.- protect against bad-mannered crawlers- PHP5 friendly (perhaps...)- rescue modeand so on...

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normal Re: New Protector is testing now

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2004/12/16 23:05 | Last modified
FutureSpy  Corporal From: 世界のどっかで  Posts: 70
Although I can't understand Portuguese, your translations must be the best.
(That's because my English text is far poorer than my original text.)
I wish they were, but my Japanese is poor too. The translations I could do with less than 1 year of study are very limited, so the chances I misunderstand something are really big.

The English files carry simpler and cleaner explanations of some options, which is pretty good. In other hand, the Japanese files are more informative, but not always easier to understand. I wish I could help you to improve your English files, but both, my English and Japanese are poor...

Sent the Spanish language files to your e-mail.
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