PEAK XOOPS - Re: Ban IP when accessing a web page in englishin japanese

Re: Ban IP when accessing a web page

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happy Re: Ban IP when accessing a web page

Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2006/8/9 20:09
danand725  Private From: London. UK  Posts: 7
Whooo, the list of IP bans has doubled over night! Looks like its working

On the topic of not banning good bots and crawlers by mistake, I might have a go at getting each IP ban caused by the file to appear in the Protector Log, say under the "Type" of "TRAP" or something... that way it would be easy to see the referer info, even if ultimately you have to manually remove the IP address from the IP ban?

.....or is that something else you could help me with I guess I just add:

$this->message .= "IP Ban. ($val)\n" ;
to my sign.php file?

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