PEAK XOOPS - Re: Xoops 2.2.1 and xhld 2.99/3.0 feeds fail in englishin japanese

Re: Xoops 2.2.1 and xhld 2.99/3.0 feeds fail

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question Re: Xoops 2.2.1 and xhld 2.99/3.0 feeds fail

msg# 1.2
Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 .2 | Posted on 2005/8/31 12:30
utahuser  Private   Posts: 5
Been doing more researching. I notice in PHP 5, fsockopen may have been replaced:

From the changelog PHP 5:
Improved the streams support: (Wez, Sara, Ilia)
Improved performance of readfile(), fpassthru() and some internal streams operations under Win32.
stream_socket_client() - similar to fsockopen(), but more powerful.

I believe this may be the problem. GIJOE, any chance we could get you to support PHP5 and stream_socket_client? For the life of me I can't figure out how to uninstall PHP5.04 in Fedora 4. It has so many reliant packages that I am afraid I will truly break things by removing it and installing 4.x.

Anyway, I hope this helps shed some light on why this module has been failing on systems using PHP5.

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