PEAK XOOPS - Re: Re: Re: fckeditor and impresscms in englishin japanese

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Previous post - Next post | Parent - Children.1 | Posted on 2008/10/19 4:56 | Last modified
GIJOE  Gunnery Sergeant   Posts: 4110
hi dconn6


As a test I created a new subcategory in each of the sites under the same parent category. I am using the same versions of everything, pico, fckeditor, mysql, php, etc as both sites are hosted on the same physical server. I pasted the content into each as new content and was able to re-edit the content in the test site but not the production site.

I repeated the above process but this time manually entered one line of text in each. This was re-editable in both sites. But in the production site, all of the fckeditor icons disappeared and I could only edit the body in html. I tried editing other content and the fckeditor was behaving. I logged out again and selected the one-line content that I had previously created and fckeditor was back in business. So I tried copying and pasting 6 times and when i tried to register this form I got the following error.

error(s) found:
No valid ticket-stub pair found

Confirm it.
And do you want to post again?

I reposted and my 6 lines are there.

I tried to copy and paste again but form would not register and fckeditor lost its icons again

What does the no valid ticket-stub pair error indicate?
This ticket-error shows us nothing.
You should find PHP errors at blank screen.

And pico just supports common/fckeditor (fckxoops).
fckxoops is never versioned like "1.63"

I've just versioned "2.3.2-00x" or "2.5.1-00x"
Votes:8 Average:5.00

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