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Poster : GIJOE on 2007-08-24 06:37:24 (8317 reads)

in englishin japanese
With d3pipes>=0.54, you can send Ping from any pipes just inserting Ping joint.

You should know the ping rule of d3pipes.

- Minimum interval is 30 minutes.
- Just send a ping when the data in pipe is different from previous ping

And you shold also check whether the pipe is active/public.
Both RSS/DISP should be checked in pipe admin.


Poster : GIJOE on 2007-08-23 03:57:31 (13636 reads)

in englishin japanese
I've just released Protector 3.13 with anti auto registering bots.
(You can search it by , or

If you installed Protector correctly, just copy the plugin filters_disabled/postcommon_register_insert_js_check.php into filters_enabled/.
No core hacks needed.

Since I don't like Captcha (it's not friendly with visible handicapped), I make it as JavaScript.

You should check a guest can register after enable the plugin.
You can also check the bots will be rejected by turn JavaScript off.

If you access via "Reliable IPs" in Preferences of Protector, this plugin never stop registering.


Poster : GIJOE on 2007-07-12 18:06:02 (9494 reads)

in englishin japanese
The versions of 2.0.14/15/16 from are troublesome because they lost basic compatibilities before 2.0.13 though they are numbered as 2.0.x.

To be honest, I want to say "use XOOPS 2.0.16a-JP instead of such a buggy version"

However, I had declared "I don't stand each side of cores".
Then, I have to support my modules against 2.0.16 from

At first, I've modified "altsys" which should be the foundation of D3 modules.
Almost works were executed with the feature of tplsadmin.

Let's try altsys-0.55 with 2.0.16, and report bugs to me.

And I doubt why the incompatibility of the template system is not fixed at all.

If class/smarty/xoops_plugins/resource.db.php is fixed by the patch, All of Xoopsers -Core team-, -module developpers-, and -pure users- must get a lot of benefits. (I assert it!)

I expect it to the new core team of strongly.

Poster : GIJOE on 2007-07-06 06:22:23 (9178 reads)

in englishin japanese

d3pipes implements Ajax for constructing a pipe from various joints.
You can see
- Reordering by drag&drop
- Different forms corresponding to each joints

Just copy JavaScript library named "common/lib" into your XOOPS.

And you can also see from the picture - the admin theme is made by bcool's taka.

This is a very good theme for the altsys's feature of "admin in theme".
(Update the altsys into the latest version if you use the feature)

Poster : GIJOE on 2007-06-13 06:03:31 (18232 reads)

in englishin japanese


Though this is a fatal (sudden-death) vulnerability, it is not the default setting.

If you dare to change the value of mailmethod from "php mail()" to "sendmail", change it to the other values.

I've just released Protector-3.04 with this check.

If you leave such a setting, protector alerts "phpmailer security hole! Change the preferences of mail from "sendmail" to another, or upgrade the core right now!" to you.

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