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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-12-22 06:41:40 (9731 reads)

The latest myblocksadmin supports cloning blocks.

It's quite easy.

After installing myblocksadmin into your module, append a line.

$modversion['blocks'][(block_number)]['can_clone'] = true ;

That's all!

Of course, the latest myblocksadmin is secure and easy to use.

To all module developpers: why not try it!

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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-12-18 05:25:00 (9369 reads)

Some serious security holes is found in TinyD1.5 mh014 or older.
If you use TinyD, you should upgrade all of TinyD into version 2.0 as soon as possible.

If you can't do so soon, you'd better update or new-install the latest Protector (>=2.2RC3) at least.

It will be almost safe.

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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-11-09 18:57:57 (13627 reads)

Recently, the algorithm of Googlebot changed. (This is just a guess of myself)
And now, it accesses piCal's links very frequently.

As you know, piCal has very many internal links.
If Googlebot crawls is going to access all of piCal's links, it will be high load of the server.

Thus I've just modified piCal as outputing meta header like this:

<meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow" />

If this modification is no use for your site, check your theme.html this meta header exists or not.

<meta name="robots" content="<{$xoops_meta_robots}>" />

Or, you can edit robots.txt like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /(xoops)/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /(xoops)/tmp/
Disallow: /(xoops)/cache/
Disallow: /(xoops)/class/
Disallow: /(xoops)/images/
Disallow: /(xoops)/include/
Disallow: /(xoops)/install/
Disallow: /(xoops)/kernel/
Disallow: /(xoops)/language/
Disallow: /(xoops)/templates_c/
Disallow: /(xoops)/themes/
Disallow: /(xoops)/uploads/
Disallow: /(xoops)/modules/piCal/

But, the method of meta header is more desirable, I think.

Poster : GIJOE on 2004-07-21 17:09:37 (10957 reads)

The directive "allow_url_fopen" is a useful feature of PHP.
For example, xoopsheadline is depends on "allow_url_fopen".
If you turn "allow_url_fopen" off, you can't use xoopsheadline neither as main nor as block.

But this feature often cause serious vulnerablities in fact.
I think that "allow_url_fopen On" is a setting which should be avoided as much as "register_globals On".

Scripts using snoopy instead of fopen("http://...","r") can work under "allow_url_fopen Off".
Of course, xoopsheadline can also work under "allow_url_fopen Off" if it is modified as using snoopy.

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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-07-19 16:36:52 (7632 reads)

I've just released myblocksadmin 0.07.

Finally you can make mostly operation to blocks in this controll pannel in this version.
Certainly, when you want change block's options, you have to click "edit".
But new window will not be opened.
And you'll be back to myblocksadmin after editting options.

This will be final release of myblocksadmin.
I recommend this myblocksadmin to all the module developpers with confidence.

You can get it from download area


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