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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-11-09 18:57:57 (13642 reads)

Recently, the algorithm of Googlebot changed. (This is just a guess of myself)
And now, it accesses piCal's links very frequently.

As you know, piCal has very many internal links.
If Googlebot crawls is going to access all of piCal's links, it will be high load of the server.

Thus I've just modified piCal as outputing meta header like this:

<meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow" />

If this modification is no use for your site, check your theme.html this meta header exists or not.

<meta name="robots" content="<{$xoops_meta_robots}>" />

Or, you can edit robots.txt like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /(xoops)/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /(xoops)/tmp/
Disallow: /(xoops)/cache/
Disallow: /(xoops)/class/
Disallow: /(xoops)/images/
Disallow: /(xoops)/include/
Disallow: /(xoops)/install/
Disallow: /(xoops)/kernel/
Disallow: /(xoops)/language/
Disallow: /(xoops)/templates_c/
Disallow: /(xoops)/themes/
Disallow: /(xoops)/uploads/
Disallow: /(xoops)/modules/piCal/

But, the method of meta header is more desirable, I think.

Poster : GIJOE on 2004-10-28 18:42:43 (9221 reads)

XOOPS Summit will be held in Tokyo on 5 Nov 2004.

The surprising member's list is enumerated as fllows:

nobunobu (author of modules eg WordPressME)
Ryuji (author of modules eg waiting and many popular hacks)
sakaik (co-author of the book of "introduction of XOOPS" with Ryuji)
JM2 (the core member of XOOPS1)
minahito (author of many modules eg anywhere-series and exFrame)
Marijuana (author of modules eg inquiry and xoops analyzer)
kousuke (author of modules eg simpleblog and simplerss)
tadashi (member of Xoops Japan team)
ELF (member of Xoops Japan team)
chanoir (one of the most poplar developper of themes for XOOPS)
halt (co-author of the book of "Wholly PHP vol.1")
uno (author of sakura watch as Windows application)

and me (GIJOE)

I can't guess what will happen if such skilled members discuss about XOOPS each other.

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Poster : GIJOE on 2004-10-04 17:37:14 (8505 reads)

myAlbum-P has been implemented a new feature "Attachment Manager".
This is an extension from ImageManager Integration.

You can attach any type of files into almost modules which use DhtmlTextArea of XoopsForm.
The operations to upload and attach some files are very natural for all Xoopsers.

<- This is a sample attachment of PDF files.

All you have to do is:

-Install myAlbum-P. (If you are using myAlbum-P, install it with another name like myalbum0, myalbum1, myalum2)

-Enable ImageManager Integration like this:
line 28 of imagemanager.php

include './mainfile.php';
include 'modules/myalbum/imagemanager.php';  // add this line
if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['target']) && !isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['target'])) {

If you install myAlbum-P with another name, the line should be added are like this:
include 'modules/myalbum0/imagemanager.php';
include 'modules/myalbum1/imagemanager.php';
include 'modules/myalbum2/imagemanager.php';

-Append extension which you allow to upload into myAlbum-P's preferences:

-Set blank as "MIME Types can be uploaded"

That's all.


Poster : GIJOE on 2004-09-11 05:19:36 (8493 reads)

PEAK XOOPS has been updated into XOOPS

Also New autologin hack has been released.

The security patch added in is absolutely necessary for all XOOPSers.

If you use core version of and with my autologin, All you have to do is overwrite include/common.php of the latest archive.
The hole is also patched automatically.

If you are using older XOOPS, upgrade your XOOPS into at first.

If you are using older XOOPS and you can't upgrade XOOPS core with some reasons, you should try the module of Xoops Protector.
The module also patches the new vulnerablity fixed in


Poster : GIJOE on 2004-09-10 18:30:06 (7911 reads)

A lot of security holes was found in XOOPS with not only 3rd party's modules, but also with core.

I've just released a new module named Xoops Protector.

Major vulnerablities will be patched by installing this module.
I recommend this module to all XOOPS users.

However, you have to know "Almost" is different from "All".
Overconfidence is a taboo.
In fact, Xoops Protector has non-sense against CSRF attacks.
For your security, the best way is to install only the modules made by well-skilled developpers.

BTW, Xoops Protector also has a feature of anti-DoS.
This means that developping of AntiDoS-P was finished.
If you use AntiDoS-P, replace it.

You can download it from downloads area.


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