PEAK XOOPS - News in englishin japanese

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Poster : GIJOE on 2005-02-19 19:04:23 (13180 reads)

There was a great programmer named "minahito" in Japanese XOOPS community.
After he made a lot of great modules, he said good-bye and went to TikiWiki...

Although all of his works are great without exceptions, he made only Japanese language files.
Thus you did not hear his name all of the world but Japan.

It sounds regret.

Therefore, I'll introduce his great works.

The first one is "Comment Anywhere".

This module allows visitors submit comments from main pages seamlessly.
You will be suprised this is not a hack at all!

I've just installed it into this site, and you can find how useful this module is. (It's especially useful with myAlbum-P.)

I'll making his modules as international version.
Just wait.

Poster : GIJOE on 2005-02-19 18:25:40 (9778 reads)

I've implemented "Tell a friend module".

The link of "mailto:" often makes wrong conversion of charactors in multi-byte-lang environment.

Even in single-byte-lang environment, it is impossible for a visitor without MUA to send "tell a friend".

This module works collaborately with a Smarty plugin modifier.xoops_tellafriend.php (Copy it into the plugin folder of Smarty before use this module)

All you have to do is editing your template set like this:


<a target="_top" href="<{$mail_link|xoops_tellafriend}>">

Since this is not a hack, you don't have to mind about updating the modules.

I've installed it in this site, and you can try this in news and mydownloads.

(Only registered users can use it in this site. Sorry.)

Poster : GIJOE on 2005-02-11 06:33:15 (8507 reads)

I'm sorry that I don't support this site at all.

Now, my work is almost finished.

I'll make responces FIFO as possible.

Read more... | 40 bytes more |2 comments

Poster : GIJOE on 2005-01-13 15:37:30 (8951 reads)

I'm sorry that I don't support at all.
I'm quite busy on writing manuscripts of my first publication.

I can't answer any questions which need long time of mine till 31 Jan -the 1st deadline-.

However, some modules will be updated or released for the book
"blocks admin module" is one of them.

Poster : GIJOE on 2005-01-01 08:43:21 (8297 reads)

When 2005 has just stared, I'll write my TODOs in this new year.

1. Publishing a book of XOOPS

I've just beggan to write the articles for the book.
The themes may be "XOOPS's security" and "Advanced module usages".
The book will be co-written by xxxxx (It's a secret)

2. Releasing two new modules

a) Free DB module
b) The ultimate content module for static contents

Both will be made as full-scratched code.

I don't know whether this module is for original XOOPS , ORETEKI-XOOPS or the other secure core.

3. Modifying my modules

At least, PHP5/ORETEKI friendly must be implemented with all modules.

I know many TODOs are on my shoulders...

4. Creating sanitizing system for XSS which can be used commonly

It must be implemented with WYSIWYG editor.

A Happy and Secure New Year!

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